
Pitfalls of Teeth Overcrowding

Apr 10 • 1 minute read

Teeth overcrowding occurs when there is a lack of space between the teeth. As a result, their inability to fit properly within the jaw is impaired. When this happens, it is a clear indication that there is a discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the alignment of teeth. In many cases, this is an inherited genetic trait, like eye color, body phenotype, or hair texture.

For children, the culprit of teeth overcrowding is the early loss of baby teeth. More specifically, if premature teeth are lost too soon, the teeth surrounding the gap will move into the vacant space. This may cause the permanent tooth to erupt in a misaligned position.

An Oral Concern

Many of our patients want to know if overcrowding is really a big deal. They want to know if there is a true cause for concern. The short answer is, “yes.” Not only does teeth overcrowding prohibit one from cleaning all surfaces of the teeth correctly, it can lead to tooth decay and increase the chances of having periodontal (gum) disease. The positioning of your teeth may seem like a plausible cause to ignore. However, over time overcrowding can throw off the natural balance of the mouth and create cumbersome oral hygiene issues.

Fixing Teeth Overcrowding

Correction of dental spacing issues will certainly require professional expertise. If you’re dealing with this issue, we encourage you to set up a comprehensive examination and a deep cleaning. Once we get a clear picture of your teeth, we can recommend a unique course of action specifically for you. Dental impressions, x-rays, and additional photos may be necessary to begin treatment.

After we have a thorough understanding of your teeth and the spacing issues you’re experiencing, we can move forward and make an informed plan. While tooth extraction is not always an ideal solution, we will not immediately rule it out. Other solutions include expanding the arches of the mouth, braces, Invisalign, dental veneers, and space maintainers for early loss of premature teeth in children.

Overall, our goal is to improve your ability to properly clean your teeth on a daily basis. If you have concerns about teeth overcrowding, together we can design a suitable plan of action to give you the confident smile you deserve.

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